Cheese 101 Blog

From the caves of Roquefort to the pastures of Switzerland, the world of artisan food and beverages is rich, varied, and deeply rooted in the unique regions they come from. Terroir isn't just a fancy word; it's a celebration of diversity, culture, and tradition.

Learn More about Taste of Place: How 'Terroir' Defines Our Food & Beverages

When we begin to unpack the realm of European cheeses in our mind’s eye, of course Italy & France are eager to jump to the front, however Germany presents a truly fascinating microcosm of the cheese world itself...

Learn More about Cheese Club Picks: August 2023

First, let's talk about flavor. Have you ever bitten into a ripe peach, straight from the farm, and marveled at how it tastes exponentially better than anything store-bought? That's the magic of local food! In the world of cheese, this can be extra-special as the “flavors of the land” comes into play...

Learn More about Why It's Important To Shop Local

In July of 2023, Antonelli's Cheese has dedicated our monthly Club box to one of our favorite Texas cheesemakers! And with credentials like hers, we know that Susan Rigg at River Whey Creamery is a favorite of tons of people! Read on to learn about the cheeses and producer our Club Members will enjoy this month.

Learn More about Cheese Club Picks: July 2023

We've decided to honor our cheese-y forefathers to celebrate Father's Day for June's Cheese Club box. Cheesemaking - and artisan food and beverage making in general - has been intertwined with human history since the dawn of time, which makes this box all the more special! Read on to learn about the cheeses and producers our Club Members will enjoy this month!

Learn More about Cheese Club Picks: June 2023

When it comes to fine artisan cheese, the milk is everything. And each kind of milk is different. Of the four milk types that the FDA has deemed acceptable for cheesemaking, cow is distinctive from water buffalo, and goat is different from sheep. Each type of milk produces a unique kind of cheese!

Learn More about The Four Milk Types of American Cheesemaking

Tracing its roots back to Ancient Greece, feta cheese is as old as history itself. As the myth goes, the cyclops Polyphemus was the first to make feta. He carried milk from his sheep in a bag made from a sheep's stomach, only to find it turned into a tart and tangy cheese after a few days. Ever since, this cheese, famous for its crumbly texture and distinctive tang, has been a staple in Greek households.

Learn More about The History of Feta (Summer's Favorite Cheese)

Accessible yet limitless, the grilled cheese gives us both the blueprint and the freedom to create culinary magic. While one cannot go wrong with the classic ingredients that are available even at a gas station convenience mart, follow our lead into the higher realms to uncover greater levels of grilled goodness. We tackle each of the seven styles of cheese – precisely to let it be known that all of them have a place at the table during grilled cheese time!

Learn More about Grilled Cheese For The People!

Some of the first and most popular cheeses of the world are made with raw milk. Take Roquefort or Comte from France, and the classic Swiss Gruyère as examples. Not only are they delicious and safe, they also stay true to the tradition and historical cheesemaking processes while honoring the milk, animals, and farmers that produce it. 

Learn More about What is Raw Milk Cheese?

Every month we send out dozens of boxes of cheese to our Antonelli's Cheese Club Members, where we get the chance to show-off a rare selection of cheeses from our friends in the industry! Most cheeses aren't available in our shop (or anywhere around town!), so our Cheese Club Members get the ultimate exclusivity. The theme for May 2023 was "Taste of Place: The Mountains." 

Learn More about Cheese Club Picks: May 2023

When conjuring up a big, broad scope of visions for bountiful spring spreads of cheese, wine and accompaniments, a focus on white wines definitely emerges – as gorgeous vintages representing rosé, sparkling and all manner of whites jump to mind. Not that reds do not have a prime seat at this table! If white wines are the ‘Soul-Mate’ to fine artisan cheese, think of red wines as cheese’s ‘Twin Flame’ – always engaged in a dance with duality.

Learn More about The Ultimate Spring Wine & Cheese Pairing Guide

“Improve Every Day” – Words to live by, and one of the Antonelli's core principles! We love how this energy seems to return to us ten-fold, enlightening us to all of the exciting products & creative innovations revolutionizing the cheese industry. It’s also inspiring for us to behold the humble stewardship of land & resources that contribute to making unforgettable cheeses that we can feel great about!

Learn More about Sustainability In The World of Cheese

Each month we send out dozens of boxes of cheese to our Cheese Club Members - it's our favorite time of the month. We showcase an exclusive selection of cheeses and pairings that aren't available in our shop, our Cheese Club Members get the "in" to the cheese world. If your interested in joining our Club, please visit our information page to learn more! 

Learn More about Cheese Club Picks: April 2023

Naturally, we at Antonelli’s, think of cheese! We love thinking outside the box of the usual traditional caviar service (toast points, crème fraiche, minced onion, lemon wedges, etc.), because – in terms of simplicity and purity – there are few better pairings than caviar and cheese. 

Learn More about Caviar and Cheese and Champagne - Oh My!

Conservas, also known as tinned fish, are a centuries-old tradition hailing from coastal regions around the world, particularly in Mediterranean countries such as Spain and Portugal. In terms of pairing tinned fish with cheese, this is a relatively new topic. In recent years, there has been a growing trend for pairing tinned fish with cheese.

Learn More about Unique Pairings: Conservas and Cheese

We’re excited to spread the (love) of cheese with a little Cheese 101 introduction. (And yes, our team of Certified Cheese Professionals all had to pass tests with the following knowledge!)

Learn More about Cheese 101: Composition, Flavor, Styles

We’ve recapped what’s important about selecting and storing cheese. And remember, you can always come into the shop or call a monger, and we’ll be here for you and happy to help.

Learn More about How to Select & Store Cheese

It’s all about selection, quantity, plating, and pairings. What follows is a step-by-step guide on how to create the cheese board of your dreams - whether plating for a Party of 1 or for many.

Learn More about How to Build a Perfect Cheese Board