Thanks for the opportunity to support your charitable event. We'd love to offer "2 Tickets to a Cheese 101 Class."
We are so excited to be a part of your event.
Please review all of the instructions below to ensure success of this donation.
- Attached you'll find our logo and a couple photos for any promotional purposes.
- We've also attached a certificate that should be given to the winner only.
Please note it is your responsibility to fill in the blanks with the event name, nonprofit name, and unique code from our original response. Do not display the certificate if you have written the single-use redeemable code on it. We kindly ask that you do not combine our donation with any potential competitors without prior consent, including anything related to the sale of cheese or wine.
What: 2 Tickets to a Signature Cheese Class at our South Lamar Tasting Room.
Value: $108.25
When: Expires 1 year from fundraiser event date
How: Simply go to our Antonelli's Cheese events page, select your desired tasting event, and enter the unique discount code provided to you on your certificate. This code gets you 2 free tickets to a Cheese 101 class, or you can apply the value to any other tasting event. Enjoy!
Get Pumped: "The best food experience of my life!" - a real testimonial.
Lastly, if there is a form associated with this, please complete it on our behalf.
Thank you!
The Antonellis
P.S. Did you know we offer discounts to nonprofits on cheese trays and events? Read our philanthropy page here.
Image #1 for usage - Antonelli's Cheese Group Tasting
Image #2 for usage- Cheese Plate
Gift Certificate for winner- Just add Code from email